
Showing posts from May, 2009

What is the Future of the Textbook?

An interesting question. There are those who love a good textbook [ How a Physics Textbook Changed My Life ]  and those who hate it [ I don't use a textbook in social studies . ]. As the world of education matures what and how we use textbooks needs to change also. Even publishers are looking for new ways to create textbooks. Textbook publisher sees future in e-books By  Gwendolyn Mariano  Staff Writer, CNET News March 14, 2001 The problem is if education is heading for a disruption as Clayton Christensen , Michael Horn , and Curtis Johnson suggest in their book Disrupting Class then simply improving textbooks won't be enough. Students in a classroom with a textbook, even a textbook found on a CD ROM, will not be good enough for a disrupted education. Where does all of this leave the textbook industry? In the same place as the rest of us, redefining what we do and how we do it — retooling for a new century.   David Warlick , May 15, 2004 In many school districts today (no