
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Opportunity

I'm trying to put some thoughts down on paper and see if they are good or not, I'd love some feedback as well. As the Coronavirus rips back the band-aid of inequity in the public school system I fear that we are squandering the opportunity.  Yes I know students in undeserved neighborhoods are taking the brunt of the negative effects of shutting down schools and the economy. I know too many students don't have solid internet, don't have a device, don't have a quiet place to learn and study. I know so many have to take care of younger siblings. I know so many adults in these homes are essential workers, leaving their children to fend for themselves because they cannot take a day off, even when faced with sickness and death for going to work. And all of that is not even half the problems these children are facing right now. Yet it is still an opportunity being squandered. The traditional school, with it's emphasis on tests, rigorous curriculum, unyielding rules, an