
Showing posts from August, 2022

Learning Loss and The Stolen Year?

This morning, I was as usual listening to NPR. This morning was a story about how closing schools for the pandemic was a "calamity" for students. This afternoon was a story about how closing schools for the pandemic was a catalyst for many parents to enroll into virtual school or join a home schooling group.   Some random notes from the first story which ran about 7:30 AM August 22, 2022.    Its a calamity Anya Kamenetz, author of a new book "The Stolen Years" tells us, according to Steve Inskeep that, "Extended closing were a calamity for education." A couple of interviews with kids who struggled mightily with school during Covid. "Its hard to see the best of your life go down the tubes. " Many years later standardized test show kids have not recovered. (has it been many years yet?) Experts described this disaster before it happened. Evidently they know from school closings in places like: Syrian Genocide, Rwanda, e