
Showing posts from June, 2020

What to do about Systemic Racism

It is a new century. Being anti-racist has changed. Sure in the late 1700's just saying slavery is bad was good enough. Then in the late 1800's giving people the right to vote was all in vogue. By the late 1900's integrating schools, and diners was progressive. Now we are in the 2000's. What is anti-racism today? Recognizing and rooting out systemic racism Except too many people have no idea what that is. Feagin defines systemic racism in the introduction to the book: Systemic racism includes the complex array of antiblack practices, the unjustly gained political-economic power of whites, the continuing economic and other resource inequalities along racial lines, and the white racist ideologies and attitudes created to maintain and rationalize white privilege and power. Systemic here means that the core racist realities are manifested in each of society’s major parts [...] each major part of U.S. society--the economy, politics, educat