·  As a school administrator and instructional leader, what instructional technology would you expect to see in the written, taught, and tested curriculum of a school or school district striving to meet the needs of 21st century learners?

·       Taught curriculum
o   I would expect to see extensions and resources for the written curriculum online.
o   I would expect that every teacher in my school to create at least one detailed unit complete with differentiations and share it online.
o   I would expect to see a discussion forum for the teachers. A place where they can reflect on each others lessons, share what they learned, make suggestions for improvement, and more.
o   I would expect to see teachers using laptops and projectors on a regular basis.
o   I would expect that students would be given the opportunity to use web 2.0 tools to create, collaborate, and share.
o   I would expect to see a computer based, or preferably game based program designed and used to give students individualized instruction at their own level.
·       Tested curriculum
o   I would expect to see a test generator.
o   I would expect that students would be given the opportunity to use web 2.0 tools to create, collaborate, and share.  Less emphasis on tests and more on authentic assessments
o   I would expect to see digital portfolios
·       Written curriculum
o   I would expect to see the entire published curriculum also in electronic form, even e-book form for my students.
o   I would expect to see curriculum mapping software used to unify the entire curriculum.
o   I would expect to see a discussion forum for the teachers so they can log and suggest revisions to the curriculum
o   I would expect there to be a way for my teachers to get just in time PD if and when they need it.

·  What instructional technology would you promote to differentiate instruction for all learners?  Consider some of the tools and strategies outlined in the Jacobs' text.

Different representation
·       I would promote the use of universal access technology built into most modern computers. Text-to-speech speech-to-text, contrast, zoom, etc…
·       I would promote the use of technology that allows teachers to present materials in a variety of ways such as podcasts, or video.
·       I would promote the use of individual technologies such as tablets, laptops, or smart phones to allow students to receive instructions.
Different engagements
·       I would promote a student centered programming such as Compass Learning or Read 180 that gives student instruction at their level.
·       I would promote the use of individual technologies such as tablets, laptops, or smart phones to allow students to participate in class. Polleverywhere.com, voki, voicethread, etc….

Different action and expression
·       I would promote the use of web 2.0 technologies that allow students to publish authentic work to the world. Blooging, schooltube. Etc..
·       I would promote tools that allow students to share and discuss with other students outside their classroom and school. Wiki, google docs, etc….
·       I would promote the use of tools that allow students to participate in authentic activities at times even experts, authors, or other interested parties. Skype, diigo groups etc…


Dr. B said…
Good Job!
Now the challenge is to think about how you will respond to resistance, non-compliance, and complaints...these are all part of the package! Changes (big and small) do take time- always keep your effective leadership readings near and dear to your heart.
Thank you for all of your work these past 6 weeks!

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