Data from Illinois Report Cards

All data from
All data specifically 7th grade math in 2018.

If you are a 7th graders in Illinois and you are low income, you are probably not successful in school. There are only two 7th grade classes with more than 50% poverty above the 50 percentile on PARCC in the whole state.

What can we do about this?

This is schools so if your school has more than about 10% of students chronically truant, your school is in the bottom have of proficiency.

How do we fix this?

Having an all white school is not a guarantee of proficiency, The best school in the state is only 40% white.

At actually looks as if as schools pass the 90% white percentage they start falling. Of course the schools that are less than 20% white are all below the 50th percentile. I wonder if they correlate to the high poverty threshold? My point here is that diversity is a strength, I don't know why I feel it necessary to explicitly say that.

Schools with high rates of mobility (students moving in and out of district) perform worse on the PARCC test.

At about 10% it looks like all schools are below the 50th percentile.
Would helping people find and keep housing over the years help improve grades?


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