Virtual Learning is Real Learning
A lot of people are worried that virtual learning will be a lost year. As if it is a given that in person education is better than virtual. I'm not so sure about that. #education #virtuallearning #2020
— Brendan Murphy (@dendari) September 13, 2020
Of course in person is better for some, but not all. This rush to get back to in person learning is not only dangerous health wise, but could have a negative impact academically as well.
Most teachers and schools seem to focus way too much energy on students turning in cameras, and then being dress code compliant and all that. #why
— Brendan Murphy (@dendari) September 13, 2020
Less than half my students turn on their cameras. Even the students who think I'm the best thing since sliced bread rarely show me their face. #middleschool #peerpressure #hormones #shy
— Brendan Murphy (@dendari) September 13, 2020
I have not written a single refferal this year. I haven't felt disrespected. I'm never fighting for control of my room. #discipline #classroommanagement or #soemthingcompletelydifferent
— Brendan Murphy (@dendari) September 13, 2020
You know who turns on their cameras in my room? All of those kids who can't sit still. They sing (on mute) they dance, the drum, they mean in close. In the classroom I'd be begging them to stop so everyone else can hear me. #notinthevirtualclassroom
— Brendan Murphy (@dendari) September 13, 2020
(they lean in close, I can't type on mobile)
I had to teach on student how to hide other people. But there are not distractions in my virtual classroom. Students get a lesson. They attempt to answer questions. They even ask for help. #studentsliketolearn
— Brendan Murphy (@dendari) September 13, 2020
Well yes there are distractions. I often here others in the background in students homes and I sometimes wonder how they can pay attention through all that noise, but they are not distracted by what is going on in my classroom. Except one time and I taught that student how to hide the boy who was distracting her and she is all good now.
Honestly I hope we stay virtual for a couple of months more. I want my students to get used to a classroom that focuses on learning, not distractions.
— Brendan Murphy (@dendari) September 13, 2020